Final Year Project Weblog

Why do we Empathise? November 23, 2007

Filed under: Design Links,Projects — finalear @ 7:29 pm

Any Idea why this happens to us?

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5 Responses to “Why do we Empathise?”

  1. Amrita Says:

    Hello there! I’m in Dubai..and theyve blocked orkut here so i cant check out whats going on..
    But george, please check my blog and help me out.tell me if im doing things right.thanks.

  2. Amrita Says:

    Why is psychology considered to be so essential to design and advertising? it isnt even limited to these two. Why do horrible hindi movies which are over dramatic and completely unreal move some people to tears? It’s all about connecting to the scene in front of you, and like we discussed in class.. putting yourself in the shoes of the person on screen. It’s not easy to pull at a viewers heart strings, and a lot of thought will be required to actually discover what it is that makes a persons heart race faster. empathy is just another one of those emotions.. when one empathises with something or someone, he or she is actually thinking about a similar circumstance that they themselves are in or are certain will be in the future, and hence it is pretty easy for
    them to connect with what theyre seeing, making the ad a success.

  3. finalear Says:

    mmm. yeah.

    You’re right. But then wondering about this from a psychological point of view is pretty useless I think. Especially since Psychology abounds with case studies on external manifestations of emotion but nothing definitive other than a couple of markers on repeating patterns between individuals.

    I think I’ve found one possible reason, I wrote a post on it on another blog here…

  4. I found this yesterday. Perhaps mirror neurons have a part to play in empathy? http://reason.com/news/show/123608.html

  5. vibin Says:

    hey george i read the blog in mind binds. i remember u explaining it in class. il be very honest. half the thing just went above my head. i want to listen to this explanation again when i meet u next time.

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